Change is Desirable

The 20/80 Rule

The 20/80 rule teaches us that 20% of the features provide 80% of the value. This is recursive: of the 20%, again 20% yields most value and 80% less value. Now if only we knew which of the features belonged to that 20%.

To some extent, of course, we do. There are necessary features, without which the product is not worth anything at all.

On another level, our users know which features they like best, and we can ask them for feedback. It is likely that they can only tell us about features they are actuvely using, not the ones we are planning.

Work with Increments

Thus, it becomes desirable to build as few features as possible, and then let some users try those features and get their feedback.

For us software people, that means we should build features in such a way that we do not hamper building subsequent features. We must be prepared for change.